Thursday, June 28, 2012

July 2012 Horoscope - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Each month I will post my favourite Monthly free Horoscope Videos as soon as they become available. That way you don't have to trawl through all the not-so-good-ones and you'll get them in one place, as soon as they come out! I hope you enjoy :)

These videos are by Astrologer, Diana Garland. I always find Diana's monthly horoscopes to be very accurate, wonderfully detailed, and hugely informative. I hope you agree!

July Book of the Month: The Essential Guide to Practical Astrology by April Elliot Kent. This book is packed full of great practical and concise information! 

July 2012 Horoscope - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Each month I will post my favourite Monthly free Horoscope Videos as soon as they become available. That way you don't have to trawl through all the not-so-good-ones and you'll get them in one place, as soon as they come out! I hope you enjoy :)

These videos are by Astrologer, Diana Garland. I always find Diana's monthly horoscopes to be very accurate, wonderfully detailed, and hugely informative. I hope you agree! Happy Birthday Cancer!

July Book of the Month: The Essential Guide to Practical Astrology by April Elliot Kent. This book is packed full of great practical and concise information! 

July 2012 Horoscope - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Each month I will post my favourite Monthly free Horoscope Videos as soon as they become available. That way you don't have to trawl through all the not-so-good-ones and you'll get them in one place, as soon as they come out! I hope you enjoy :)

These videos are by Astrologer, Diana Garland. I always find Diana's monthly horoscopes to be very accurate, wonderfully detailed, and hugely informative. I hope you agree!

July Book of the Month: The Essential Guide to Practical Astrology by April Elliot Kent. This book is packed full of great practical and concise information! 

July 2012 Horoscope - Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn

Each month I will post my favourite Monthly free Horoscope Videos as soon as they become available. That way you don't have to trawl through all the not-so-good-ones and you'll get them in one place, as soon as they come out! I hope you enjoy :)

These videos are by Astrologer, Diana Garland. I always find Diana's monthly horoscopes to be very accurate, wonderfully detailed, and hugely informative. I hope you agree!

July Book of the Month: The Essential Guide to Practical Astrology by April Elliot Kent. This book is packed full of great practical and concise information! 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Horoscope July 2012 - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Every month I'll post my favourite free Monthly Horoscope Videos as soon as they become available. That way you don't have to trawl through all the not-so-good-ones and you'll get them in one place, as soon as they come out! I hope you enjoy :)

These videos are by Astrologer Jean Wiley. In my experience Jean's Videoscopes are always deadly accurate! Enjoy, lovely Water Signs!

The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need

Horoscope July 2012 - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Every month I'll post my favourite free Monthly Horoscope Videos as soon as they become available. That way you don't have to trawl through all the not-so-good-ones and you'll get them in one place, as soon as they come out! I hope you enjoy :)

These videos are by Astrologer Jean Wiley. In my experience Jean's Videoscopes are always deadly accurate. Enjoy, fabulous Air Signs!

The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need

Horoscope July 2012 - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Every month I'll post my favourite free Monthly Horoscope Videos as soon as they become available. That way you don't have to trawl through all the not-so-good-ones and you'll get them in one place, as soon as they come out! I hope you enjoy :)

These videos are by Astrologer Jean Wiley. In my experience Jean's Videoscopes are always deadly accurate! Enjoy, fabulous Fire Signs!

The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need

Horoscope July 2012 - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Every month I'll post my favourite free Monthly Horoscope Videos as soon as they become available. That way you don't have to trawl through all the not-so-good-ones and you'll get them in one place, as soon as they come out! I hope you enjoy :)

These videos are by Astrologer Jean Wiley. In my experience Jean's Videoscopes are always deadly accurate! Enjoy, wonderful Earth Signs.

The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need

Monday, June 18, 2012

New Moon in Gemini June 2012

The New Moon this month takes place at 29ᵒ Gemini, June 19 - 20. (See New Moon dates/times on the bottom of this page.) In case you are wondering, no this is not a typo, there really is another New Moon in Gemini! The last one on May 20-21 was a New Moon Eclipse. You can read about that one HERE in case you missed it. Fortunate Gemini's not only now have the lucky planet, Jupiter in their sign (for just over a year) but they also get two New Moons in a row! Go Gemini! 

Gemini is an Air Sign ruled by Mercury, the Planet of thinking and communication. Which is why the chatty one in the room is usually a Gemini!

New Moons are usually a great time to initiate,  launch something, or set your intentions for the month and this one is too to an extent. However, because this is the 2nd New Moon in Gemini it is at 29ᵒ (out of 30ᵒ) it is almost about finishing up what is left undone in an initiating way. I would also figure that because it will affect the same house for all the signs that it did last month that the wrapping up has something to do with what started or ended at that New Moon Eclipse on May 20-21.

So, how have you progressed since the last New Moon (Eclipse) in Gemini? I'd be very surprised if something quiet shocking or significant didn't take place around the last New Moon considering it was an Eclipse. So now, how can you use what happened then, to make some more progress or finish up at this New Moon? You have another blast of energy available to you now to put to good use and take you forward in the same area of your life the last New Moon touched.

Here are some ways you can benefit or use the New Moon Eclipse energy in Gemini.
  • Go with 'the flow' in regards to any changes happening to you
  • Be adaptable to new information
  • Free yourself from mental restrictions 
  • Transform the way you communicate 
  • Enjoy the blast of energy the New Moon provides 
  • Put what was revealed to you at the New Moon Eclipse to work  
  • Free yourself from any routines that no longer serve you
  • Expand your learning and education
  • Have a clean out

The New Moon energy can last for a week or so and is strongest at the time of the New Moon and loses potency as time goes on so there's no time like the present!  

Now would be the perfect time to start Life Coaching if you've ever thought about doing it. I do coaching with clients all over the world via Skype. For more information please visit my site HERE.

The New Moon in the Houses:
For a closer look at how the Gemini New Moon will affect your sign.

Gemini - 1st House: The Self
Gemini, this is your New Moon and wow what a start you've already had this Astrological year with the New Moon Solar Eclipse last month! Being in your 1st House it's about how you use your energy, looking at your personal goals, exploring your true motivations, your interactions, what do your really want?, what are your authentic desires? Keywords: The image you project to others, manner of expression, first impressions, your physical appearance, how you initiate things, defense mechanisms, the 'mask' you wear, relationship with existing environment, over all outlook on life.
Taurus - 2nd House: Money and Self Worth. Keywords: Your own resources, money that you earn, what you value and desire (be it money or personal self esteem), your priorities.

Aries - 3rd House: Communication. Keywords: The lower mind, communication,thoughts, how you think and communicate,speaking, language skills, how you interact in your immediate environment; with your siblings and your neighbours, short journeys, writing, media and communications.

Pisces - 4th House: Home and Family. Keywords: Property, residence, your private life, sense of security, domestic life, roots/family origin, psychological foundations, Mother or more maternal parent

Aquarius - 5th House: Creativity, Self Expression & Romance - Keywords: Creativity, love affairs, romance, artistic projects/pursuits, creative self expression, hobbies, self fulfillment, pleasures.

- 6th House: Daily Work, Routines, & Health - Keywords: Every day life, daily health, your working environment (day job, which may not be your career), your habits, skills, pets, hygiene and sanitation.

Sagittarius - 7th House: Love and Partnerships (personal or professional) - Keywords: Partnerships (one on one business or personal), marriages or divorces, long-term associations, agreements/legal contracts, open enemies. 

Scorpio - 8th House: Shared Money and Support - Keywords: Support you receive from other people, wealth of partner or spouse, other people's money, spirituality, sex, transformation, psychological healing, research, Inheritance, taxes. 

Libra - 9th House: Travel, Learning and Adventure - Keywords: Beliefs, morals, personal truths, adventure, journeys (literal and of the mind), exploration, religion, personal philosophy, higher education, long-distance travel, foreign countries,cultures and languages, publishing, commerce.

Virgo - 10th House: Career - Keywords: Long range goals and life direction, ambition, material success, business life, career, occupation, status, public life and your standing in it, fame, contribution.
Leo - 11th House: Relationships with Friends and Groups - Keywords: Alliances, hopes, dreams and wishes, employer's money, employer's finances, spheres of influence, memberships, social acquaintances, collaborations.
Cancer - 12th House: Endings and Soul growth - Keywords: hidden enemies, fears, self-undoing, the collective unconscious, spirituality, unredeemed karma, selfless service to humanity, hidden strengths and weaknesses.

Gemini June 2012 New Moon times: 
Sydney: June 20, 1:01AM EDT. 

New Zealand: 
Auckland: June 20, 3:01AM NZST. 

Los Angeles: June 19, 8:01AM 
New York: June 19, 11:01AM
London: June 19, 4:01PM GMT.

"Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth."
-- John F. Kennedy, U.S. President (Gemini)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Transit of Venus June 2012

The wonderful Diana Garland has created a video on the rare Transit of Venus for all the signs. Enjoy x

Venus Transit Times ♥ 
Sydney 8:16 am June 6 - 2:44 pm June 6 
New Zealand 10:16 am June 6 - 4:44 pm June 6 
Los Angeles 3:06 pm June 5 -9:47 pm June 5 
New York 6:03 pm June 5 - 0:51 am June 6 
London 11:04 pm June 5 - 5:55 am June 6

Sunday, June 3, 2012

June 2012 Full Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius

The Full Moon has come around again. This month the Full Moon is on June 4, 2012 in Sagittarius (Check out Moon times/dates at the bottom of this page). 

These are no ordinary times we are in right now. Last month we had a 'Supermoon' in Scorpio, followed by a New Moon Eclipse in Gemini and now we have a Full Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius! If major changes aren't occurring in your life right now, in some form or another, I'd be mighty surprised! This eclipse season is all about pushing you towards the life you need, even if you can't see that yet. For some that will mean amazing breakthroughs are taking place and for others it may mean 'shocking events' are happening that will ultimately take them closer to the life they are meant to live. 

On top of all this, another amazing and rare event will take place on Wednesday 6th June. The Transit of Venus! This is where Venus passes in front of the Sun and depending on where you live will be visible to the eye. People in Australia are well positioned to see it but take care to protect your eyes when viewing this and any kind of Solar Eclipse. Here is some useful info on Eye Safety During Eclipses.

The transits come in pairs, 8 years apart. You may remember the first of this pair happened in 2004. The Venus Transit which occurs in Gemini is all about Technological and Spiritual  Breakthroughs so it will be interesting to see how it impacts us all. The next pair wont take place until December 2117 so this is a once in a lifetime experience!

Venus Transit across the Sun
Venus Transit Times
 Sydney 8:16 am June 6 - 2:44 pm June 6
New Zealand 10:16 am June 6 - 4:44 pm June 6
Los Angeles 3:06 pm June 5 -9:47 pm June 5
New York 6:03 pm June 5 - 0:51 am June 6
London 11:04 pm June 5 - 5:55 am June 6

Last month's 'Super Moon' in Scorpio, May 2012 - Photo by Gary Lewis

Here are the houses the Sagittarius Full Moon Eclipse is illuminating for each sign. Use this to see what area of your life the Full Moon Eclipse is affecting directly:

7th House: Love and partnerships. Keywords: Partnerships (one on one business or personal), marriages or divorces, long-term associations, agreements/legal contracts, open enemies. 

6th House: Work and Daily Routines. Keywords: Every day life, daily health, your working environment (day job, which may not be your career), your habits, skills, pets, hygiene and sanitation. 

5th House: Creativity, Self Expression and Children. Keywords: Creativity, love affairs, romance, artistic projects/pursuits, creative self expression, hobbies, self fulfillment, pleasures. 

4th House: Home and Family. Keywords: Property, residence, your private life, sense of security, domestic life, roots/family origin, psychological foundations, Mother or more maternal parent 

3rd House: Communication. Keywords: The lower mind, communication,thoughts, how you think and communicate,speaking, language skills, how you interact in your immediate environment; with your siblings and your neighbours, short journeys, writing, media and communications.

2nd House: Money and Self Worth. Keywords: Your own resources, money that you earn, what you value and desire (be it money or personal self esteem), your priorities. 
1st House - It's in your sign so for you it's about how you use your energy, looking at your personal goals, exploring your true motivations, your interactions, what do your really want? What are your authentic desires? Keywords: The image you project to others, manner of expression, first impressions, your physical appearance, how you initiate things, defense mechanisms, the 'mask' you wear, relationship with existing environment, over all outlook on life. 

12th House: Endings and Soul Growth. Keywords: hidden enemies, fears, self-undoing, the collective unconscious, spirituality, unredeemed karma, selfless service to humanity, hidden strengths and weaknesses.

11th House: Relationships with friends and Groups. Keywords: Alliances, hopes, dreams and wishes, employer's money, employer's finances, spheres of influence, memberships, social acquaintances, collaborations.

10th House: Career. Keywords: Long range goals and life direction, ambition, material success, business life, career, occupation, status, public life and your standing in it, fame, contribution. 

9th House: Travel, Learning and Adventure. Keywords: Beliefs, morals, personal truths, adventure, journeys (literal and of the mind), exploration, religion, personal philosophy, higher education, long-distance travel, foreign countries,cultures and languages, publishing, commerce. 

8th House: Shared Money Sector. Keywords: Support you receive from other people, wealth of partner or spouse, other people's money, spirituality, sex, transformation, Inheritance, taxes.

Happy Full Moon! x

Full Moon Eclipse Times: 
Sydney – June 4 at 9.11pm AEDT 
New Zealand - June 4 at 11:11pm NZDT
New York – June 4 at 7:11am EST 
Los Angeles - June 4 at 4:11am PST
London – June 4 at 12:11pm GMT