First let me introduce you to Neptune. Neptune is the God of the sea and rules Pisces so will be comfy back in his own sign. Wherever Neptune goes he carries with him a big pair of rose tinted glasses and is the planet of idealism, imagination, dreams, inspiration, creativity & spirituality but also delusion, confusion, the intangible and a lack of stability and boundaries. Like I said Neptune is the God of the sea so he carries with him water like qualities, forever changing, hard to pin down, and goes to a depth that no one has yet discovered. Neptune's purpose is to dissolve the old to make way for the new.
I don't feel like I am giving Neptune enough explanation here, enough justice, for what a beautiful impact he has on the world. Neptune is hard to encapsulate, difficult to sum up. Funny that! I'll give it one last shot and then leave the rest to your imagination.
Neptune in Pisces will increase compassion, interconnectedness, empathy, and spiritual understanding. Creativity and creative arts, especially music and alternative arts will become more pronounced and valued. Ideas of imagination and vision will be abundant.
Look at the house where Neptune was in for you previously, (simply the house before the one he is in for you now) as you will acutely feel a difference here once Neptune moves out.
Also, think back to 1998 when Neptune first moved into Aquarius, remember any significant changes re the house he moved in to? I certainly do! In 1998 my life changed quiet dramatically. I packed up and left a place I had lived in for 10 years and left my friends and family to go and pursue my long held dream of becoming an actress. I made this move by myself, without knowing what would happen, or knowing anyone where I was moving to! Some would say courageous, some would say naive. Some would say both! Not surprising though with Neptune in Aquarius (Shocking, visionary ) in my 4th house (home) not to mention I have an Aquarius rising.
Also, think back to 1998 when Neptune first moved into Aquarius, remember any significant changes re the house he moved in to? I certainly do! In 1998 my life changed quiet dramatically. I packed up and left a place I had lived in for 10 years and left my friends and family to go and pursue my long held dream of becoming an actress. I made this move by myself, without knowing what would happen, or knowing anyone where I was moving to! Some would say courageous, some would say naive. Some would say both! Not surprising though with Neptune in Aquarius (Shocking, visionary ) in my 4th house (home) not to mention I have an Aquarius rising.
Here's the area of your chart Neptune in Pisces will directly effect:
- Aries - 12th House: Endings and Soul Growth. Keywords: hidden enemies, fears, self-undoing, the collective unconscious, spirituality, unredeemed karma, selfless service to humanity, hidden strengths and weaknesses
- Taurus - 11th House: Relationships with friends and Groups. Keywords: Alliances, hopes, dreams and wishes, employer's money, employer's finances, spheres of influence, memberships, social acquaintances, collaborations.
- Gemini - 10th House: Career. Keywords: Long range goals and life direction, ambition, material success, business life, career, occupation, status, public life and your standing in it, fame, contribution.
- Cancer - 9th House: Travel, Learning and Adventure. Keywords: Beliefs, morals, personal truths, adventure, journeys (literal and of the mind), exploration, religion, personal philosophy, higher education, long-distance travel, foreign countries,cultures and languages, publishing, commerce.
- Leo - 8th House: Shared Money Sector. Keywords: Support you receive from other people, wealth of partner or spouse, other people's money, spirituality, sex, transformation, Inheritance, divorce/alimony, taxes.
- Virgo - 7th House: Relationships. Keywords: Partnerships (one on one business or personal), marriages or divorces, long-term associations, agreements/legal contracts, open enemies, competitors.
- Libra - 6th House: Work, Health and Daily Routines. Keywords: Every day life, daily health, attitudes about food, your working environment (day job, which may not be your career), your habits,self improvement, skills, pets, hygiene and sanitation.
- Scorpio - 5th House: Creativity, Children, Romance and Self Expression. Keywords: Creativity, love affairs, artistic projects/pursuits, creative self expression, hobbies, entertainment, self fulfillment, pleasures, drama.
- Sagittarius - 4th House: Home and Family. Keywords: Property, residence, your private life, sense of security, domestic life, roots/family origin, psychological foundations, Mother or more maternal parent
- Capricorn - 3rd House: Communication. Keywords: The lower mind, communication,thoughts, how you think and communicate,speaking, language skills, how you interact in your immediate environment; with your siblings and your neighbours, short journeys, writing, media and communications
- Aquarius - 2nd House: Money and Self Worth. Keywords: Your own resources, money that you earn, what you value and desire (be it money or personal self esteem), your priorities.
- Pisces - 1st House: Self. Keywords: The image you project to others, manner of expression, first impressions, your physical appearance, how you initiate things, defense mechanisms, the 'mask' you wear, relationship with existing environment, over all outlook on life
Finally I want to tell you about a book I love,The Secret Language of Destiny
. I have had this book for at least 10 years and I continue to go back to it time and time again to see how I am progressing along my path. Everyone I show loves this book and says how accurate it is. I hope it can help you like it has helped me x
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